time to get all gooey
1. day 298 : 365 • pola hollyhock, 2. Untitled, 3. Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong., 4. Untitled, 5. Green Glass Basket, 6. untitled, 7. , 8. opening, 9. into the sun, 10. Every artist was first an amateur., 11. Sprung, 12. Daisy Chain, 13. old port window sill, 14. chamomile leaves, 15. 16 April 2008 - eve, 16. pink cosmos
hello all...it's me, Mrs. French. I have been trying to come up with the best way to thank each and everyone of you for your constant words of encouragement, compliments, advice and inspiration. I think I have said it all before, however, I am hoping that you all know how much I truly mean it. The world of blogging has changed my life, literally. I had absolutely no idea this past March how starting little old bliss would change the course my life was moving in. First and formost I started out as a fan...I became a fan of your blogs, your aesthetic, your talents and soon began to see a new world more beautiful than anything I could have imagined. You all inspired me to start taking pictures and unlocked something inside of me. Anyway, these flowers are for you...they were taken by women I look up to...women that in some cases have become my friends.
I also need to take a moment to thank specific bloggers for posts that showcased my photographs or mentioned my shop opening...these are some of my favorite blogs and I encourage you to check them out:
Melissia Loves (not nearly as much as I love her)
Goodness, I hope I didn't miss anybody...if I did let me know so I can make it right. I am posting this now, but look forward to visiting all my blog friends this weekend and catching up...if I ever can do anything for you please let me know. xo