flickr friend: mainemomma2007

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I am constantly amazed by the fantastic photographers I encounter on flickr...I am hoping to dedicate a post a week to one of these gifted individuals. 

The first in this series Kristin from Maine Momma.  I find her photographs to be dreamy bits of inspiration.  I absolutely adore everything in her photostream.  Besides being an amazing photographer, she is a stellar human being, I have enjoyed getting to know her through the fabulous world of flickr/blogging.  

While you are exploring Kristin's work don't forget to check out her etsy shop.  Simply put, I want to be her when I grow up.

...oh and posting maybe a bit sporadic for a bit we are leaving on a little getaway until early next week...I will be popping in as soon as possible. xo

here is a little bit of fall mainemomma style:

autumn mainemomma style