flickr friend: mayalu

I love Thursdays...right now I am loving Thursdays because it is a time for me to share photographers that I admire and that inspire me in everything I do.  This next flickr friend is near and dear to my heart.  She is not only a friend via flickr, but I would consider her a true friend.  One of those magical gals I have met through the beautiful world of blogging.  She makes my day.  I have her to thank for introducing me to Shutter Sisters (I am not quite sure I ever did without it).  She has been such a major source of encouragement and praise regarding my own work...I am not sure I am ready to share...oh she is just to good to keep to myself.  I introduce you to Ms. Mayalu...many of you already know her...

She has an amazing blog maya*made.  She shares with her audience a glimpse into a creative, meaningful life.  A live that doesn't sweat the small things, that appreciates natural surroundings and focuses on the all important family.  Her photos do the same for me.  

In the past I have mentioned my pull toward the country...her photos take me there without leaving my urban home in.  They are simply beautiful and fresh.  Through them I can almost smell the fresh air, hear the birds and wind in the tall grass.  I will not lie, I often spend way too long daydreaming in Maya's photostream.  

Thank you Maya for doing what comes so naturally to you.  It is such a gift to me and the rest of the lucky bloggers out there who have gotten to know you.  If you haven't already...go do it worth your time....xxoo