my shop tastes yummy.
My first official shop update...yay! This week has been a completel whirlwind (in the best of ways). I feel incredibly lucky and still sort of feel like I am dreaming. Anyway, I put a few more photos up in my shop. I am delighted to introduce the "ode to cupcake collection":
This one is particularly special to me. When B was small I used to take him here for dates (sometimes we were lucky enough to double). Who is responsible for such cupcake mastery? Saint Cupcake...maker of the best cupcakes in the whole wide world. I think we may have made these outings a little too often (2-3 times per week) but I didn't care...I earned my baby weight, no need to rush to take it off....
I personally didn't think it was fair to partake in all the deliciousness in front of my beloved B without sharing the I would take the teeniest of dabs into the yummy icing and let B lick it off my finger (9 months is not to young to introduce him to icing right?). This tradition of momma and B dates has continue through the years and pretty much everything has stayed the same.....
except now B gets his very own teeny-tiny cupcake...or "dot" (named after the lovely owner, Jami's, cupcake whiz of a grandmother) in Saint Cupcake language. All 4 of these pics are now in my shop. If you actually want to taste these bits of perfection take a trip on down to Saint Cupcake...chances are you will probably see me there.
except now B gets his very own teeny-tiny cupcake...or "dot" (named after the lovely owner, Jami's, cupcake whiz of a grandmother) in Saint Cupcake language. All 4 of these pics are now in my shop. If you actually want to taste these bits of perfection take a trip on down to Saint Cupcake...chances are you will probably see me there.