following bliss


Bliss (noun)
Complete happiness.

When I pour over Traci’s photographs, its pure bliss. Dreamy, muted tones, poetic perspectives and delicate compositions work together to transcend place and time. The images that the talented Mrs. French so generously shared with us at Shutter Sisters today make me weak in the knees.

As I study each image I can’t help but see the common thread—a recognizable beauty consistently created in every one. I wonder if after 15 years working (and playing) as a photographer, I have something that sets my images apart. Something that feels distinctly mine. I’m still not sure. But, it’s got me thinking.

Although some people have what one might call a signature style, visually speaking, what about a signature message? Does that count? In my very own bio after all, it is stated, that I take great pleasure in capturing the kind of images that remind us that life is beautiful. It’s true. I do. At least I hope that I do. I think I can safely say it’s become my photographic mantra.

A tiny bloom waiting to be discovered, the gentle light of late afternoon, a wisp of hair swept over a soft cheek, the slight gesture of something, anything that fills us with the undeniable promise of hope. It’s the daily discovery of life’s subtle yet glorious details that has indeed defined my photography. I guess one could even say it’s my bliss.


What about you? Have you gone out looking for your bliss? Something tells me if you follow it, it will make itself known.

This post and photos courtesy of my new friend Tracey Clark of Shutter Sisters.  Tracey also writes for her personal blog Mother May I .  Please take the time to linger over her photographs on her website Warmtone and over at her always inspiring flickr page.

This lovely cross-post is explained here and lucky me...I am over at Shutter Sisters today sharing my bliss.