I Heart Monday

Hi everyone, Nichole here from Little Brown Pen.

I am beyond delighted (and thoroughly honored) to share "my hearts" with you today, but I'm a bit nervous about the shoes I'm filling. I, like you, look forward to "I Heart Mondays" every week, and I hope I'll satisfy your craving. A huge thanks to Mrs. French for extending the invitation.

A bit about me: I'm a writer, and currently the Copy Director for a European organic skin care brand, Amala. I'm also the mom of two boys, and married to a man I thank the universe for everyday. His name is Evan, and he and I run Little Brown Pen together.

I've been a blogger since the Spring of 2006 when I began my stint as the Beauty and Fashion blogger for Bravo. I currently write the blog for Amala and ramble daily at Little Brown Pen. One can safely say I love blogs, and I'm hopelessly addicted to many (Bliss chief among them).

When I am not blogging and writing, I am cooking something good, thinking about cooking something great, or fantasizing about cooking something extraordinary.

So enough about me, how about some hearts?