perfectly acceptable umbrellas

b climbed in my bed this morning looked up at the skylights being tapped lightly by falling drops and said "momma it sure rains a lot."  he had obviously forgotten the amount of rain our beautiful, green city gets in November.  he is 3, so that is understandable...I am in my 30's, have lived in Portland for almost 4 years and I still forget...I can't really get my mind around that (obviously).  anyway, it is very wet here.  one of the first things I learned about becoming a Portland citizen is that Portlanders do not carry umbrellas...tourists or newcomers carry umbrellas, not a true portlander...

I am here to make a plea...I have stopped carrying an umbrella, but my hair is large...and growing!  Therefor I dedicate this post to the umbrella.  I am hoping that by posting some stunning images by some amazing photographers of the beloved umbrella...this whole unwritten rule thing can be tossed out the window...enjoy and carry those sweet umbrellas with pride my friends!