I heart Monday.

Yay!  It's Monday and I'm back!!!  We had a lovely holiday at the French household...with very few photographs.  Mr. French inadvertently broke my sweet camera's lens while he was trying to "fix" it.  My only lens.  I promptly ordered a bigger and better version then the blizzards came...I got my hot little hands on that new lens only yesterday...a little ill about the whole situation...but more than plan on making up for it over the next week...b's sweet face is still there, and his excitement continues (he has yet to receive the memo that Christmas is over).  I hope you all had a delightful holiday as well and look forward to popping in to see for myself.  I hearts o' plenty my friends...

I heart this chair (via paulpincus on twitter).

I heart these trousers.

I heart this hat (via dooblehvay on twitter).

I heart this scarf.

I heart these plates.

I heart this "bell."

I heart these shoes.

I heart this desk.

I heart this print.

I heart this sweater.

I heart this tote.

I heart these nesting bowls.

I heart this camera.

I heart these shoes too.

I heart these little sparrows.

I heart this tiny painting.

I heart this headband.

I heart this sweet little sofa.

I heart this shelf.  
...xo mrs. french