i heart this Monday more than most...

I woke up this morning and it was almost like Christmas came early...I was like a giddy little girl putting this list together.  It is a tad long, but every item deserved a spot.  I had so much fun that I have a feeling there will be a few extra "i heart" lists thrown in between now and the big holiday...maybe even some themed additions?  I have so many little fun things up my sleeve...do you feel it?  Holiday sparkle is here...

I heart these gift tags.

I heart seet "janie's" coat.

I heart these "leggings."

I heart this "slow dance."

I heart this robe.

I heart these crocs...yes I said "CROCS."

I heart this illustration.

I heart this sophisticated "cocktail hat."

I heart this "personal circle."

I heart this dress.

I heart these shoes that are destined to be mine. 

I just really heart her so much.
I heart my boyfriend's jeans.

I heart this fuzzy bunny.
I heart this sled...yippeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I heart this sparkliest of wreaths.

I heart this tiny town.

I heart these sweet deer.

I hear this chair...it reall haunts me....I want it so badly it hurts.