Sfgirlbybay/Bliss Holiday Photo Exchange.
The always ingenious Mrs. French had a most excellent idea that we exchange holiday photos this Christmas, and in a flash...I was in! I am most honored to share a few photos I found around my flickr faves, and San Francisco this holiday season (and some older ones that perhaps should have remained closeted). And, I can't wait to see what that talented Mrs. French posts on sfgirlbybay today.
I'll betcha she whoops my Christmas caboose! Thanks for having me, and the happiest of holidays to everyone. May you be among those you love, be merry and grateful for all you have this holiday season. And take lots of pictures! xo, Victoria (aka sfgirlbybay).
You can find the original versions all of
these images via my flickr faves.
Oh, and a very happy New Year, too!