the people you meet...
It is really no surprise that flickr is a wonderful source for inspiration and beautiful images...I am constantly amazed by the talent I am exposed to on one site...I could (and have spent) spend hours. I have also been introduced to some of my favorite etsy artists on flickr...two of those are viv of dear dodo and kaitlyn sullivan...

Viv has 2 magical etsy shops that somehow transport me to unwritten fairy tales...where moth babies flutter and dodos still exist. The first of the two, dear dodo, features paper cutting pieces and drawings...actually, paintings too. Her pieces incorporate a variety of mediums that somehow come together to make something beautiful. Her second shop,drawing room, is a delightful hodge podge of dreamy accessories, gifts and pretty things for your home.

When I was little I used to close my eyes and press on my lids just enough to create beautiful blobs of color...I had forgotten about this until I stumbled into Kaitlyn's loveliness...Her work is like nothing I have ever seen, taking ink blots to a new level. Each piece is outlined with intricate inks or stitch work details and color combinations that are either soft and lovely or vibrant and exciting...
pop into their shops and heart them for yourselves..
...xo mrs. french