blissful sponsor: susannah conway (pssst...and there's a giveaway)
There are no words to express the pride I feel introducing this next sponsor...Susannah is simply amazing. Susannah and the lovely Miss Alicia are the two major influences in what I do...I have admired and loved their photography for so to have Susannah as a sponsor is like a dream...I tried to play it cool when she asked, but have a feeling she may have sensed my delightful nervousness...

I am not sure if you have seen...but she has offered to help others savour their environments and find beauty in the everyday (which is what I constantly strive for), by offering an e-course...Unravelling:ways of seeing myself...a time "just for you"...self-discovery in the most beautiful way. Her February course is already full (sadly, I missed out), but she has upcoming dates in May and for goodness sakes get on the mailing list...I have.

I am also a fan of her beautiful on my fingers...her photography and words transport me to that mid-day brain vacation I am always looking for. She has also started a lovely collaborative blog with Alicia Bock...favorite things. I am pretty sure you already know how I feel about this, and my reaction when I discovered its existence....
besides being incredibly talented, Susannah is generous and my blissful readers you are about to benefit from that generosity. Leave a comment telling us which photograph you particularly love and why from Susannah's shop and you could win an 8x8 print (winner chosen February 15 at midnight)!!!!

I think the hardest part will be picking just one...thank you Ms. Susannah for choosing bliss....
mrs. french