olio united and some of my favorites

As I was sitting down to post this a question kept popping up in my noggin..."what if it's all gone?  what if I can't get there and it's all gone?".  Then the selfish, silly me was overtaken by the kinder, generous me...so I had to share.  Tomorrow evening Olio United is hosting a show featuring some of my favorite artists (and I just know yours too): Betsy Walton, Yellena James, Joanna Bean, and Kim Oahn Nguyen. Each artist will be featuring various prints of their work...however there is a glorious twist!  The artists are partnering with a Portland company,  Plywerk,  to create display-ready works of art mounted on sustainable wood or bamboo mounting...no need for framing...

I understand that my friends at bliss are not all from Portland, but not to worry...starting on Monday pieces will be available online (if I don't snatch them all up this weekend)...
xo mrs. french
thank you becki for the heads up!