skona hem: my happy place

skona hem is my happy place...I go often and spend much time there.  I now realize that it is better when I space out my visits a bit more.  It's like Christmas many new and lovely things to look at...It had been close to a month since my last drop in and it did not disappoint...I had originally intended to divide this post in an orderly manner, categorizing rooms or colors...then I decided to show you how I see it...a delightful hodgepodge of perfection....

The bright, cheery atmosphere in this room makes it my personal favorite...

the fireplace, the chairs, the mirror, need I say more (in my happy place the chairs are not made from real hydes)...

I adore the nook off of the dining area here...
I want B's room to look like this...sigh...

it's all about the chairs in this one...

I would love to have breakfast here...I don't think a bad day is possible with such a cheery start...

the photograph, the wallpaper, the tablecloth, love. love. love....

white, simple and clean...opposite of my life, but so pleasant...

I can see the Frenches at this to join us?
mrs. french