saint cupcake giveaway extravaganza...

I have a love affair with this next started back when my little B came into this world.  Saint Cupcake is one of my favorite Portland spots (actually it maybe the top of that list).  When B was very small, I rarely left our east side neighborhood.  Then I caught wind of this magnificent cupcakery ....I found myself venturing out across the river quite often.  Actually 3 times a week would not be odd for me and my little boy.  Mr. French ended up falling in love quickly became a family affair...

Saint Cupcake's cupcakes are leaps and bounds above any other's I have ever had (and I have tried a lot).  When extended family travels 1/2 way across the country, Saint Cupcake is always part of the itinerary.  

~my camera loves Jami's cupcakes too...

Through my cupcake obsession I have gotten to know the owner of my favorite cupcake spot, Jami Curl...which only made my love for this establishment grow and grow...such a nice feeling knowing that the face behind the cupcakes is equally wonderful.  When she agreed to sponsor my bliss it felt perfect....

Which is why I am so thrilled to announce:

Rather than trying to describe these yummy masterpieces with words, you can now try them for yourselves.  Yet another Portland treasure that is simply too good to keep to ourselves.  Anyone can visit this interactive site and order a sweet cupcake kit of their very own....
First you choose three cupcakes:

Then you choose 3 icings:

Finally, get crazy and choose three sprinkles:

and voila!...your very own piece of this Portland legend.  Watch out, they are beyond least I had the river separating us.

Now for the giveaway part!  Jami has offered 3 kits to blissful readers.  Leave a comment telling me which combination inspires you the most (pretty way of say the one you want to stuff in your trap the most), with a way for me to reach you and you could win cupcakes (the best ones ever) on your doorstep...comments will be open until Friday at 4:00 pm (pacific time)....

In the mean time go play around the Saint Cupcake site...check out Jami's witty blog and for goodness sakes adopt some pretty cupcakes...happy, happy, happiest Monday!

mrs. french

send your friends!