a fix.

Since our little getaway to the coast I have been missing it terribly.  I have said it before, the coast is my geographic soulmate.  I feel more at peace and content there than any other place I have every been...

I believe I had seen this "croft" in the North West Highlands a while back, though I can't recall where (if you know, please, please, please let me know so I can credit the blogger)...anyway, I had forgotten about it until today when I was visiting the best slice of home eyecandy I have yet to encounter, inspace (wow jane...what did I do before I had you)...I clicked the link and there it was again...the sea, the quaint cottage and the dreamy interior...just what I needed during my time of withdrawl...

I am happy to report that this weekend I will be getting a brief fix...I am heading out Saturday for one more night at my beloved coast...one of my dear girly friends is having a birthday and we are the lucky ones.  A group of gals spending a night at the coast...yay!

I am working on a wordless post of my last visit with my boys...stay tuned...
xxoo mrs. french

pssst...I found it!  it was the lovely Joanna...that's where I first saw it (thank you jane)!