copenhagen cycle chic
ok, I realize that at the moment I am the tiniest bit bicycle obsessed...actually a huge bit. I think the pretty Portland spring scenery may have something to do with that or maybe it's the impending arrival of my very own, brand spanking new, dutch bike...I have turned to straight up bicycle porn to help contain that obsession...thank goodness for the prettiest bicycle porn around, copenhagen cycle chic. My goodness, beautiful people on beautiful bicycles...has me wondering if I have a pretty enough wardrobe to ride my bike?

couple that with the fact that I am so excited to take photographs of my bike and I start to wonder if physical fitness plays a part in this at all...until its arrival, here is a photo of the new addition to our garage (or my pillow, if mr. french agrees to sleep in the guest room)...
giddy I tell you! xo mrs. french