I heart Monday.

Good morning...I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  We cleaned, started the declutter process and ate yummy croissants (the only reason I mention the croissants is because of the mass quantity the mister and I ingested).  

This list is all over the place..in a pretty way...

I heart these shoes.

I heart this chair.

I heart this necklace.
I heart this pillow cover.

I heart this satchel.

I heart this top with these jeans.

I heart this "pouffe."

I heart this bowl.

I heart this tunic.

I heart this pretty eye pillow.

I heart these boots.

I heart this towel.

I heart this necklace.

I heart this print.

I heart this matt.

I heart these bottles.
I hope your Monday is a good one...xo mrs. french