melissa lund

a while ago I received an email from a potential sponsor.  melissa lund from portland takes pictures.  I immediately knew who she was because of her buttons...

you know how you come across a photo that sticks with you?  that is exactly what happened with melissa's buttons.  I love everything about this photograph.  the blues, the perfect button can see for yourself.  I was so flattered that she wanted to sponsor my bliss!

I still love those buttons but now I have to say it is her cupcake papers that I can't seem to shake...

the colors textures...everthing about them makes me happy to be a girl.  Unforgettable yet again...not to mention her through the viewfinder images...

oh forget it...she is just an all around incredible photographer and she is a sponsor and I am lucky.  Guess what?  so are you?  melissa has graciously decided to give bliss readers a discount...20%!!!  Just enter "bliss" in the comment section when you purchase any of melissa's photos...unforgettable right?  this offer is good until the end of this month...xo mrs. french