the best thing in the entire universe....

I am a bit of an excitable person...I am extreme in my emotions.  Nothing is ever just so-so with me.  It's either the-most-fantastic-thing-in-the-world or the worst-thing-that-has-ever-happened.  I like to thing "passionate," Mr. French likes to think a bit "coo-coo"...but he loves me that way. 
Anyway, the best thing in the world happened the other night...I stumbled into these stunning, unforgettable, vintage, German book covers on the lovely Fiona's blog.  Couldn't you just envision pretty wallpaper made from these...I can't decide if I would cover my walls in the butterflies or the feathers...

I had to say that I got lost for a bit in cafe cartolina.  Fiona's taste is mine, but way better and her work makes my heart beat fast...definitely not so-so...I love it all!  I wouldn't mind a room or two in her patterns as well...

goodness, I love this world of blogging we live in (probably the most magical thing in all the history of the world)...xo mrs. french