dreamy periwinklebloom
In my dreams B is always dressed in neutral colors, soft organic cottons and simple, yet irresistible designs. I had thoughts of starting a little children's wear company just for my B...but it was just that fleeting thoughts and daydreams.
Then I met Tyler. While I was trying to come up with what I wanted to do when I grew up, she was dreaming of/building her real-life sweet line of clothing, I would catch glimpses and read teasers and I just knew that periwinklebloom was what I dreamt of, but didn't have the complete vision and total focus to complete...her fall line is more than I could imagined. I knew it would be special, but this....
Tyler's attention to details, perfect photographs and ability to not let a moment pass have paid off...I feel lucky to know her through this blogging universe....now I just need to snatch up a bunch of her pieces and find an orchard or meadow for B to frolic in..tada! just like I imagined it.
xo mrs. french