Girl's Night Out....

I remember back in the day when hanging out with my girlfriends was everything to me. Men were just silly frivolities that came and went but the sister-friend was what really mattered.  Then us ladies had to go and fall in love.  Marriage, work, and wee ones became the priority, effortlessly.  All of a sudden going out and having cocktails with the girls became an "event."  I partook in one of these eventful evenings tonight.  I headed out on the town with a friend of mine without the significant others and precocious children in tow (which is a rarity since our babies are a day apart and get along famously).  We went to a wonderful French restaurant, shared a bottle of wine, chocolate dessert, and a lot of silly giggling.  We talked about celebrity crushes, goofy ex-boyfriends, and being tipsy off of one glass of wine.  Then to top off the evening we went to see Ms. Elizabeth Gilbert!

When I bought the tickets a sort of U2-mania (always an over the top psycho excitement when I find out my boys are coming to town)came over me.  Simply because I'm a geek.  Elizabeth had become my "Bono."  This is serious business.  I was expecting the best.  Which often times turns to expecting the worst because there is no way this could possibly meet my expectations.  It did, she did.  It only lasted an hour.  But I found it completely inspiring and felt as if my girls-night-out went from being a two-some to a three-some.  I took notes (not sure anyone else did, unless they were getting paid to), paid close attention, and laughed.  I was expecting to come home and write the post of a lifetime, full of enlightenment and quotes.  I now have decided that I could not possibly do any type of justice to this witty, brilliant woman.  She is every bit as wonderful as you would think she is and I had a very nice time.  There is nothing else I would have rather been doing at that moment and I will read Eat, Pray, Love again.  Girl's night out has never been so rewarding and I will feel a lot less nausious in the moring.