Take a Gander Friday: Whitney Smith
The third installment of "take a gander..." (and the crowd goes wild). Seriously, once again it is Friday and it is the day I look forward to most in the posting world. I get to worship yet another artist that I am fully and completely humbled by. This week I am shining upon Whitney Smith. She is the first ceramic artist in my little series and she is spectacular. It is also wonderful to be able to pluck these geniuses from my etsy list of "favorites." I know I wanted Whitney to be my post so I immediately began stalking her web page, blog and etsy store all of which are beautiful to look at. Her blog however, once again, gives you a feel for what this gal is all about. She is funny, humble and completely likable. I would enjoy reading her blog even if she wasn't a ceramic virtuoso . An artist who creates what family heirlooms should be, and can make me smirk is a very awesome thing.
Take a deep breath and take it in like clean, fresh air: