I Heart Monday

Poor Monday. Monday is not a very popular day.  Monday is often dreaded.  Monday makes people angry.  Monday is just plain shunned. Well I am starting a new feature on my blog called "I heart Monday." Every Monday I will feature things that I find particularly irresistible.  I am giving Monday a makeover, maybe after a few weeks Monday could even be Prom Queen.

I heart these shoes

I heart this print for B's room.
I heart the Azor Oma.  I went and saw it here yesterday.
I heart this conditioner.  It is the only thing that turns my bristly hair touchable.
I heart this Amy Ruppel painting more than you could ever know.
I heart this book.  I have looked at it every day for a week.
I heart "Haley."  My parent's new Cairn terrier.
I heart this chair.

Finally, I heart Odd Molly.  The spring and summer line is magnificent.