Wooden Memories
My dad's parents lived in a small town in North Dakota and passed away when I was very young. One of my earliest memories was going to their home and being mesmerized by knickknacks and trinkets painstakingly placed in curios and side tables throughout their living room. My favorites were a sweet, wooden miniature choir.
The itty-bitty choir director held a stickpin as a baton. The rest of the members were neatly dressed in black with their tiny mouths painted in perfect little o's. On either side of the singing figurines were beautiful, hand-carved trees. I knew that I was not supposed to touch them. However, that did not stop my imagination from creating magical concerts consisting of all of my favorite songs.
My Father's family is German, 100%. This is something they always took great pride in. Because of this, I knew that my dad found these treasures for my grandparents when he was stationed in Berlin as a very young man.
When my grandparents passed away we acquired the tiny choir and set it out at Christmas time. Between our childhood pets and my sister and I, I am pretty sure the choir did not survive. Which is why I am so smitten with these figures of boys and girls from Werkstaetten Flade Olbernhau (say that ten times fast). When I stumbled upon them I was immediately transported back to a time when I rested my chin on the table where my favorite wooden choir set. A time when daydreaming about music sung by little, wooden people seemed perfectly logical.

You can find these memory-makers at the Wooden Wagon.

You can find these memory-makers at the Wooden Wagon.
A. Attached or Single- Attached to Mr. French for 10 years on Friday and as of right now I think we are going to make it.
B. Best Friend- My sister
C. Cake or Pie- Cake, cake, cake. Cupcakes from here.
D. Day of Choice- Any day I get to spend with my family.
E. Essential Item- Hair tie, scarf or headband. My long, big old hair is always in my face.
F. Favorite Color- Shades of white at the moment.
G. Gummy Bears or Worms- Bears and they have to be a bit stale.
H. Hometown- Bismarck, ND
I. Indulgence- Facials please.
J. January or July- July...Give me the blasted sun!
K. Kids- One super, amazing, adorable brilliant little boy (2 and 1/2)
L. Life isn't complete without...photos to prove that it happened.
M. Marriage Date- April 11, 1998
N. Number of Brothers and Sisters- 1 lovable sis
O. Oranges or Apples- apples if they are Honeycrisp apples.
P. Phobias- Bugs and flying (let's just say the flight back from New Mexico was not ok)
Q. Quote- "Follow your Bliss."
R. Reason to Smile- My son's wide-eyed innocence in the morning...the sweet bedhead doesn't hurt.
S. Season of choice- Anything that is not gray and icky...
T. Tag Three- I am so darn bad at this. Volunteers please!
U. Unknown fact about me.- Wow I think I am pretty much a mystery in every way to everyone...I have a teeny-tiny scar above my lip that I just adore.
V. Vegetable- Beets and asparagus
W. Worst habit- indecisiveness
X. X-ray or Ultrasound- Both are fascinating.
Y. Your Fave food- Spaghetti from here.
Z. Zodiac- Spicy Scorpio.
I would love for anyone to complete this. It is fun and made me giggle.