be still....
I am so excited about this project I could just burst! It is appropriately titled "s t i l l." Cindy at Quaint Handmade introduced me to s t i l l and to its lovely creator Martha. I am a photography nut and still life shots have always been my favorite to shoot. I love the way everyday objects can be transformed into magical works of art simply by pushing that sweet little button on a camera. I have been submerging myself in this Flickr pool since I stumbled upon it. Here are a few of my favorites and some I submitted. If you are in need of some serious inspiration check it out. Better yet, submit some of your own.

{by curdsnway}

{by Julie Alvarez}

{Cranstone Chintz & Lace Shadow by Quaint Handmade}

{S t i l l: hot outside by eren | this vintagechica}

{chair toy light (2) by UNIFORM studio}

{nature table by elsiemarley}
These are some of mine: