d.sharp with a dash of nudo
Oh my! It's Friday! It's Friday and the sun is shining so brightly it hurts my eyes. The type of hurt I am willing to take, I almost don't want to put sunglasses on because the squinting makes me happy today. Yippee!
We had such a nice morning we woke up and had a blind play date at the park with this amazingly talented artist/mom/funny gal and her curly haired, dark-eyed, gruff-voiced little one. We talked non-stop, fed the ducks and watched our boys be...well be boys.
Here are some examples of Ms. D's work...could she be any more talented?

and because I am all over the place with sunny joy I need to completely change the subject and show you this!
Sweet Nudo makes me want to adopt an olive tree of my very own. My family is a big fan of the olive and all its wondrous forms, so Nudo is perfect for us.
mmmmm....Mr. French is already getting the best Father's Day gift I know of (more about that later), so I am thinking he needs a tree of his very own for his birthday in July...we'll see. Oh and because I am a huge sucker for anything prettily packaged Nudo is so up my alley. Just look at it!