blissful sponsor: periwinklebloom

Periwinklebloom is truly special here on my bliss.  It was instant admiration the first time I was lucky enough to stumble onto Tyler's blog.  I have enjoyed watching her little company grow.  I do not know her personally, but feel as if I have a handle on who this classy momma is by her words and the choices she has made regarding her adorable clothing line specializing in small ones.  I have also been on the edge of my seat in anticipation of her paper goods...

Sweet Tyler sent over the images for her spring line and my mouth dropped.  She has truly outdone her already-perfect self.  As always, her pieces work harmoniously with the environment; "organic cotton fiber, vegetable-based ink, clean energy, and hand-crafting."  I was also pleasantly surprised to see the added pops of color here and there and am especially fond of the fern halter hand-printed by the lovely Lotta of inleaf...another blissful sponsor!  B is destined to wear a pair of those sweet trunks in ecru please...and I wish all of his little girlie friends could be decked out in the frocks Tyler has lovingly created...

I do however, have one complaint; why oh why don't these come in my size?  Perhaps a new venture?  Thank you Tyler for making bliss a home away from home, there are not enough words of appreciation and honor I feel to have you here...
mrs. french