kate towers and sauvie island

Kate Towers is a Portland fashion maven/legend.  She has helped shape what Portland fashion is today.  Her pieces are handmade in her Portland studio and are simply breathtaking.  She is self-taught, and to me, a genius.  Her site is also meticulously perfect and inspirational to say the least...

Once again, the clothing is lovely, but it is the collaboration between the clothing, the lovely models, styling, and photography that comes together to create a masterpiece.  All of the photos are exquisite, but the one that affects me the most is the "Sauvie Island" collection.  

Sauvie Island is a Portland treasure.  An off-the-beaten path plot with beautiful fields, farms, views and an away-from-it-all feel, while remaining closer than you might think; combined with Kate's pieces a slice of perfection is acheived, and an overwhelming sense of inspiration takes over...

I have decided to grab my camera and schlep around the island this afternoon and I have Ms. Towers to thank for that...

xo mrs. french