a blissful residence...

Here's the deal...the frenches found a house.  As many of you know, I have wanted a new french residence for quite sometime.  The mister on the other hand has found many creative ways to change the subject...this weekend we walked through one that was just right.  The mister actually agreed!  It needs quite a bit of work, but the visions and dreams are there.  Many things have to line up (planets, stars and such), before this is possible, but a girl can dream.  

I am torn between "if you put it out there it just may happen" and jinxing it...so I have decided to put it out there in a tiny way.  This photograph is from that home, but that's all I am comfortable divulging at this time...send the positive vibes this way won't you?  I will keep you posted!!!

xo mrs. french