fog and thistle
Rachel of Fog and Thistle is near and dear to me. I remember back in the day at the very beginning of my bliss I happened upon a lovely blog, written by this amazingly, talented papercut artist...I commented and was so thrilled when she stopped by and said a few words too...
Rachel's work captures an innocence and intricacy that is completely unique to her and what she does. There was a time that I became so inspired by her pieces that I thought perhaps I too would become a papercut artist, I even purchased a book. I then realized that there is a reason Rachel does this and I don't...her talent takes her there, mine does not...
I also feel inclined to mention that she is a bit famous. In February Rachel was on the Martha Stewart show, sharing her talents with the world. She walked the audience through the creation of one of her lovely nighlights...she handled the whole situation with such grace and ease...
Rachel, never would I have imagined that we would end up where we are today. You all famous and me all humbled by having you put your work on my bliss. Thank you for taking us along on this adventure, completely driven by your talent and kindness...xo mrs. french
don't forget the I heart list today!